Heavy Equipment & Industrial Solutions
Samaga Services Ltd has over 18 years of experience as a certified Hunter Dealer for Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Companies we have worked for (JDF, JCF, Fidelity Motors, Jamaica Ultimate Tyre Company, Stewarts Motor, ATL, Tyre Warehouse & BD Gregg & Bro Ltd.)
Services Offered
Wheel Alignment
Referred to as breaking or tracking is part of the standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of wheels to the car manufacturer specifications.
Balancing Machines
Known as tire balancing is the process of equalizing the weight of the combined tire and wheel assembly so that it spins smoothly at high speed.
Maintenance & Repairs
Involves functional checks, servicing, repairing, or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial.
Tyre Changer
Dismount and mount tires with automobile wheels. After the wheel and tire assembly is removed from the automobile, the tire changer has all the components necessary to remove and replace the tire from the wheel.
Wheel Alignment Machine

If you are experiencing irregular tyre wear, handling problems, or a crooked steering wheel, an alignment check should be performed. Ignoring signs of misaligned wheels can reduce the life of your tires, and can even cause driver assist systems to malfunction. Even without experiencing these problems, most vehicle manufacturers recommend checking your alignment every 10,000 miles or 12 months; whichever comes first. The latest alignment inspection technology allows alignment to be checked every visit.
Hunter Wheel Balancers that offer upscale, premium features. Hunter’s wheel balancers feature patented Smart Weight® technology, built to improve balance, minimize weight usage, and maximize productivity.
We proudly serve all Jamaica and Cayman Islands.
For All Your Wheel Alignment Needs
It is the mission of Sagama Services to maintain each machine in the most efficient and cost-effective methods as possible.Better Customer Service Exclusive Supplier of a Product(Country/Region)

Contact Form

Contact Details
- 876-892-5082
- 876-787-7822
- 354 Pearl Terrance, Angel Grove
- Monday to Thursday – 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday – 9am – 12noon
Saturday – The Sabbath of our Lord Our Creator - Cash, Debit and Cheque Accepted